

Today marks three weeks until our scheduled C-section to meet our new baby.


That is not a lot of time.

At this point with our first, Sophie, I was ready. Hospital bag packed, stroller assembled, crib built, nursery set up, car seat installed. And I was sure I would go at ANY. MINUTE. I didn't go super early (just a couple of days), but man, were we "ready".

With Lillian, I felt like I should do the same thing, so we were just as ready. It was a scheduled C-section, so it was a bit easier to prepare the need-all-the-stuff-together date, but still. We were "ready".

And this one??

The crib is still in 5 pieces.

The nursery is still in shambles.

Clothes are still in boxes.

And I am napping more than ever.


So last night we had to do some shopping because our first (remember, Sophie, from above?) is starting school in just over a week. A week this coming Tuesday. ???????????? Where the heck did the time go???????????? And while we were shopping, we may as well pick up some things for this baby that is also coming super soon.

Now I have new baby things in my house again. :) :) NEW BABY THINGS. And for the first time this pregnancy, I'm really starting to get excited. I know everything can still go downhill or be mega hard (and probably will be), but we are actually moving in the RIGHT direction...instead of just napping and hoping some elf or fairy will come at night and take care of everything for us.

Here are some of the adorable things we bought!

We needed the gender-neutral going-home outfit (and the hanging out in the hospital outfits). We zipped off to Bonnie Togs, a gorgeous (and affordable!) children's store full of baby and children clothes.

Our baby will be lounging around in the following adorable Carters outfits:

These onesies are perfect - no snaps along their sensitive bellies, only at the diaper area, sweet soft shoulders, and cute animal prints, including HIPPOS!! I love hippos. Seriously. If you live in Canada, you've probably seen the House-Hippo commercials, and let me tell you, if it wasn't an advertising lie we'd own one. YESTERDAY.

This sleeper set is so sweet...and as a family that has never found out what they are having, all our babies have worn ducks at some point or another. This one will fit right in. ;)

And this adorable teddy bear set is the let's-break-outta-this-place-and-get-back-to-our-normal-chaos outfit. I felt guilty that it says I *heart* Mommy, but Ben assured me that he didn't feel left out and so we bought it and now it's what's happening. I still feel guilty.
I also felt like we needed a new diaper bag - we've used the same one for both babies and it's old, ripped, tired, and falling apart. So we bought this one - instead of the backpack version we used to have, this is a cross body one. It's manish enough that Ben won't mind carrying it and if we have a boy they won't mind having their stuff carted around in it. We found it at Wal-Mart and it's Fisher-Price. Best feature? That pocket on the left with the orange hole in it hangs onto your wipes so that you have instant access to them. GENIUS.
Our last purchase? This.

Because you know. Nipple bootcamp is also just three weeks away.


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